WasabiCon - Portland

WasabiCon is a three-day pop culture convention for fans of Asian pop culture, cosplay, Kpop, and gaming. The event, celebrating its eleventh in Jacksonville, Florida, will take place at the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center and will feature celebrity guests, video games, tabletop gaming, a car show, food trucks, and over 300 exhibitors the weekend of October 13-15, 2023. As Northeast Florida's largest pop culture event with over 140,000 square feet of venue space and more than 150 hours of programming, WasabiCon has added a third day to the previously two day event.
Our philosophy is a simple one: create a memorable experience for pop culture fans where everyone feels included. Cosplay a favorite character, check out a panel about a new show, buy that print from an artist you’ve recently discovered, and just be yourself in an environment of like-minded fans celebrating their own passions for movies, music, TV, tabletop adventures, video games and much, much more. Fandom is family at our event, and we hope you’ll choose to be a part of it.