Kidical Mass PDX

Free family-friendly bike rides around Portland, Oregon
Kidical Mass was born in April of 2008 in Eugene Oregon, and the first ride in Portland was just after that on June 20, 2008. We wanted to get kids and families excited about riding bikes, because the bike movement has grown up, and now it has kids!
We have family-friendly, law-abiding bike rides. Our purpose is to teach kids, parents and caregivers safety skills and provide a ride in which to practice them. We are creating awareness for the growing presence of kids and families on bikes and the need for all road users to respect other users of the road. We are also bringing together families who bike in an effort to provide a positive community experience that will show children how much fun riding your bike can be!
How do WE do Kidical Mass? We want our rides to be comfortable for families just starting out and biking on city streets for the first time but we don’t shy away from traffic just because kids will be riding. There is comfort in numbers, not just on a group ride like this but also in the day to day world of riding in the city. A ride like this is meant to help families feel that comfort by having a group to ride with, to learn to incorporate bikes it into their daily transportation choices.
Some of our basic guidelines:
* Personal responsibility, obey traffic laws and ride safely
* Have fun!
* A short FUN route that uses a mix of residential streets, bike lanes and off street paths
* Get the kids involved! Have them do artwork, tell their friends, and most importantly- come to the ride!