Creatures of the Night | Creature Feature in the Dark, Saturdays In September

Creature Feature in the Dark | Drive-in Movie with live Haunted House Performances. Saturdays In September. Monsters Love Horror Films Too! Come see a different film each weekend: Addams Family Values, Arachnophobia, & Night of the Living Dead in the Deadly Outdoors from your car at Mary S. Young Park in West Linn.
Watch your favorite Family Horror Films as The Creatures bring you skits, performances, and a full haunted house treatment while you sit in the comfort of your car watching the movie with family & friends.
The only Customizable Haunted Reels and Wheels Cinema experience with the MONSTER UPGRADE bundle where you can control how much “Love” You get from our Monsters and can set to be more SCARY or FRIENDLY.
We ask our dear guests stay in their cars as monsters roam amongst them as the film rolls lurching and scaring you.
Watch the Creatures Slink out of the Shadows. Was the ticket taker even human? Are those giant spiders lurking in the trees with venom dripping fangs? Those Red eyes in the rearview Mirror - are they outside, or in the backseat??
Welcome Creatures of the Night back to where the urban legends all started, back to Mary S. Young as we raise money for our favorite blood donation service, Bloodworks Northwest.
Survive the Haunt. Survive the Night. Halloween Comes and it waits for You at the Creature Feature in the Dark.
Bloodworks Northwest is your local non-profit blood center, supplying blood to 95% of hospitals in the Pacific Northwest.
If you want to BE the Monster in the Movie with Creatures: Join Us at
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed