Celebrate Black History! HBCU To The Pros | Portland Trail Blazers
Black History Month is a pivotal time to honor the struggles and triumphs of Black individuals who have fought for justice, equality, and change. Together let's celebrate the profound contributions to the culture, history, and progress that continues to be made in our society. Throughout the month join us as we celebrate at our two celebration nights and learn more about the community through our engaging content series. We can't wait to celebrate with you. Check out all the amazing ways you can get involved in the celebration below!
Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email mindy@kidsoutandabout.com so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
Sat, February 22
Moda Center @ 7:00 PM
Special halftime Performances from an exciting HBCU band.
Multiple entertaining activations around the concourse.
Exclusive HBCU to the Pros Retail items.
Amazing community partners.
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
Moda Center- Portland1 North Center Ct Street
Portland, OR, 97227United States
See map: Google Maps
503-797-9600Contact name:
General Information
Email address:
7 pm
Adults & kids together Adults without kidsWeb Service