PursuitJuly 4, 2024
July 4, 2024
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Today is Independence Day, the day that Americans celebrate freedom. My Fourth of July column usually discusses how to help kids learn what freedom means, or how to help them be independent. But this year, I'd like to address another concept from the Declaration of Independence: the pursuit of happiness.
We all talk about how we want our kids to grow up happy. But what does that actually mean? The happiest people I know seem to have in common something you might find surprising: They tend not to get stuck, or at least not to feel stuck. They have a conviction that even if they find themselves in a difficult situation, they can find a way through it with creativity and effort. I typically try to ask these folks for advice about how to put kids on a happy life path. Here is some of their practical wisdom:
- Give your kids a thorough education to keep doors to all career paths open wide so they will never be trapped in one job or profession.
- Teach your kids to live within their financial means. Help them experience the pride that comes from earning before buying something, so they will never be trapped in debt.
- Encourage your kids to make connections with interesting and varied and ethical people, so they can avoid becoming trapped in a bad relationship with nowhere to turn.
- Teach your kids to take good care of their bodies to help them avoid, to the extent possible, being trapped by poor health in the future.
- Make sure you let your kids know you are always on their team. Be the calm, rock-solid person behind them who lends a hand so they can learn from, rather than be trapped by, their mistakes.
Isn't it interesting how these helpful hints for the successful pursuit of happiness all seem to have something to do with FREEDOM? I don't think that's a coincidence. Happy Independence Day!